Goals & Missions



TCTU has 5 primary goals:

1. Broaden our membership, especially at the local level.

2. Oppose policies resulting in unemployment, such as privatization and liberalization.

3. Reform the labor laws created during the authoritarian government.

4. Build solidarity with the international labor movement.

5. Promote labor movement leadership in national political affairs.

Because the KMT authoritarian regime built a system of law limiting the growth of unions, the most urgent task of TCTU has been the reform of labor laws.

We are still fighting for the basic civil rights of Taiwanese workers.


The mission of TCTU is to improve the lives of working class-to bring democracy to the workplace, economic equity and social justice to our island. We will continue to strengthen the union organization and contribute to the labor movement in Taiwan.

International Solidarity


Under the impacts of globalization, we should not only act locally, but also ally globally.

TCTU has connected with international unions since the preparatory period. We have met KCTU, AFL-CIO, and allied with HKCTU.

Now TCTU is trying to join ITUC.